DUI Laws in DC – Injuries Caused by Drunk Driving

DUI laws in DC are strict and punish offenders. Anyone found guilty of DUI can face a fine ranging from $2,500 to $10,000 and up to a year in jail. A second conviction for DUI can result in a fine of up to $10,000 and up to a year in jail. The penalty for a first time offense can be reduced to one year in jail. However, if you have two previous convictions for DUI in DC, you will likely have to serve at least 15 days in jail.
Defendant Can Sue Bar Or Restaurant That Served Alcohol To A Person Under 21
If you have been in an accident caused by a person under the age of 21, you may be able to sue a bar or restaurant that served alcohol to that person. Pennsylvania law recognizes a legal claim for civil damages against a bar or restaurant that served alcohol to a minor. It is illegal to serve alcohol to a person under 21 and can result in a suspension of the bar’s liquor license.
If the bar or restaurant served alcohol to a person under 21 and that person became drunk on the bar’s premises, the bar or restaurant may be liable for the damages caused to the underage drinker. These damages include medical bills, pain and suffering, and loss of enjoyment of life.
In addition to the civil liability that bars and restaurants face, bars and restaurants are also liable for the actions of their intoxicated customers. A common example of this is a DUI accident involving a bar patron. Other examples include bar fights or accidental mishaps. A timely investigation of the incident is essential in such cases.
Providing alcohol to a person under 21 is an offense that can carry a prison sentence. Depending on the type of crime, a misdemeanor conviction may result in a jail sentence of a few days or even months. Alternatively, a felony conviction may result in prison time. Maximum sentences for these crimes range from one to five years.
Can Sue A Person Who Allowed A Person Under 21 To Drive
If you’ve been injured in a drunk driving accident, you may have grounds to sue the bar or restaurant that served the driver alcohol. It’s not only illegal, it’s also dangerous. Drinking and driving can lead to accidents and other injuries, so it’s important to hire an experienced “Dram Shop” attorney.
Underage drinking and driving laws in DC are strict. Any person under the age of 21 who is caught driving after drinking alcohol is guilty of DUI. The penalties are serious, and it is possible to get a permanent criminal record. There’s zero tolerance for violating these laws. If you’re charged with a DUI or OWI, you should consult a DC underage DUI attorney for aggressive representation.
Can Sue A Person Who Let A Person Under 21 Drive
If you or someone you know let a person under the age of 21 drive a car and the drunk driver caused an accident, you can sue the person who allowed the person to drive. However, the person must have been aware that the driver was under the influence of alcohol. You can also sue the person’s employer if the establishment knew that the person was under the influence of alcohol.
In most cases, a DUI case for an underage driver will go through the same process as an adult case. It will include investigation, chemical testing, and standardized field sobriety tests. The person may be arrested and taken to jail, but may be released with a citation to appear in court. Their case will be in the same adult court.
The penalties for underage drunk driving are severe. A person under 21 who is caught driving under the influence of alcohol can face jail time, a fine, or even loss of their driver’s license. A underage DUI lawyer in DC can help you navigate these harsh penalties and help you get the best possible outcome.